September 16, 2020
Saturday West Noble Meet info
Admission: $5 per person. K-12 students are FREE! We are taking every precaution to allow fans to attend the
invitational; however, fans should expect to wear a mask while attending the meet and attempt to social distance
as much as possible. Please notify your fans of the guidelines.
Middle School Teams: Arrive No Earlier than 10:00am. Middle School Spectators should arrive not earlier than
10:30 for the girl’s races. Only the 14 athletes for each gender that are competing should be in attendance that day. When not competing or running…athletes/coaches/spectators are expected to wear
a mask.
10:50 Middle School Coach’s meeting at Gazebo by Finish Line
11:15 Middle School Girls Varsity Race
11:45 Middle School Girls Reserve Race
12:15 Middle School Boys Varsity Race
12:45 Middle School Boys Reserve Race
Plan to be there between 10 :00 and 10:15 even though it says spectators should arrive no earlier than 10:30. Since we obviously do not have a team bus that doesn’t quite work for us.