August 1, 2015
Official CC season begins Monday 8/3.
Welcome to the 2015 Cardegle Cross Country Team. For those new to the program the team is a combination of St. Charles Cardinals and St Jude Eagles, hence Cardegles, with an occasional student from other neighboring Catholic schools with no CC team. Our goal as coaches is to improve each runner during the season, teach the sport and have fun all while continuing the Cardegle Tradition.
Practices will be from 5:00 – 6:00 Monday thru Friday Mon, Wed. and Friday at Shoaff Park, Tuesday at Johnny Appleseed Park and Thursday at the Plex. (Please note the first week will all be at Shoaff Park) (Monday the 10th we will have a mini CC camp at a different site—see separate flyer) We practice rain or shine (unless lightening). Practice should generally last no longer than 1 hour so please plan to pick up your runner no later than 6:00.
Our first meet is August 29th so we have a lot of work to do between now and then. A tentative season schedule is included with updates to follow. All runners if eligible (keep those grades up) are able to run in every meet either as a varsity or reserve runner (Note: some meets do not allow 5th graders to run unless an exception is made). Every runner, if eligible to run, should plan to be at every meet so we can be at our competitive best. This is a team sport needing each runner’s contribution. As coaches we prefer this to be your primary sport and for you to make a commitment to the team at meets as well as practice. Practice is the only way to improve so plan to make all the practices as you would in any other sport. (Of course, we recognize certain unavoidable conflicts may cause an absence.) Before practice I would recommend only a light snack, it’s hard to run after a big meal. If you do not choose to buy spikes for meets we do have used spikes available to borrow. Feel free to ask a coach about shoes/spikes or any running questions you may have. When uniforms are assigned please take good care of them.
There are several important items to note:
- Please complete both sides of the Emergency medical information and the consent and release form and return ASAP. Also there is a concussion form the school has asked to be read and signed.
- The fee is $40 per runner ($30 for 2nd or 3rd family runner), includes participation fee and T-shirt. Make checks payable to Dan Kaufman
- Everyone must have a school physical on file to participate.
Finally and importantly we will need several parent volunteers to help with assigning uniforms, to coordinate snacks and drinks after the meets and also we will need volunteers to help out with the Cardegle invitational later in the season. Just ask the coaches anytime for more information on volunteering. We will provide a list of runners with their phone numbers and parents when we’ve collected all that information. The season will end with an awards banquet which also requires a coordinator(s).