July 22, 2021
Cardegle Discount (Shoe & Apparel) at 3 Rivers Running Co.
From August 8th thru the 18th we will receive 20% off all shoes and apparel at the 3 Rivers Running Co.
They are located at:
4039 N Clinton St
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
Just mention that you are with the Cardegles at checkout during those dates only to receive this 20% discount. You don’t have to buy your shoes from here, but we do recommend that all the athletes have a dedicated pair of running shoes for the season and 3 Rivers Running Co does a great job and finding the right pair for each type of runner. If you would like your own Spikes for races they may also be purchased here. We do for some sizes have some older pairs that the kids can borrow for the season as well, but availability in all sizes are not guaranteed. Many of these spikes were donated over the years as kids graduated and or out grew them and make an affordable option for some of the young runners trying spikes in a race for the 1st time. Ask your coaches if you have any questions.